Jeramie Kim
Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis, Oregon
Jeramie Kim is a senior at Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis, Oregon. He is the founder and president of the Cultural Appreciation Club (CAC), a youth-led affinity group that seeks to build community by learning through differences. In September 2021, Jeramie launched this group to address the underlying cultural preconceptions within his rural, small-town community. Over the past two years, their Cultural Exploration Initiative, consisting of Advisor Presentations, Cultural Toolbox Tuesdays, and Weekly Meetings, along with their partnership with the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center, has impacted over 1300 community members in Benton County. Jeramie has also been an advocate for racial equity within the Corvallis School District through the Students Advocating For Equity (SAFE) affinity group, as evidenced by the creation of the Land-Acknowledgement Mural, the Report-A-Bias-Incident Form, and the School Renaming Task Force. Outside of Corvallis, Jeramie provided feedback on Oregon (OR) House Bill (HB) 2697, the first of its kind in the nation, as noted in the Portland Tribune and Statesman Journal. OR HB 2697 inspired him to continue advancing equity, carving his path in research on inclusivity bugs in software at Oregon State University and on adolescent health at the Oregon Health Authority. Jeramie’s educational equity efforts related to CAC and SAFE reach more than 6,200 youth within his own public school district along with 570,000 students statewide in Oregon. After graduation, Jeramie will study abroad in Germany through the U.S. Department of State as a Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholar.